Austin Air Companie Blog : Posts Tagged ‘AC thermostat acting funny’

Air Conditioning Repair Today Katy Texas

Sunday, May 12th, 2024

Call me and get AC Service Today 832-475-6895 from Katy, Texas during the summer it’s almost certain that you will want your AC system back on line as soon as possible. I see it quite often running service on the weekends and even on summer holidays not to mention during the week. It becomes clear to me that fast, friendly AC service is often not thought of until the need arises and the cooling stops.

A fair number of my customers come to me this way. I am given a big responsibility to these customers that I will not let them down. Certainly I can perform AC repairs for most of them with in 3 hours of getting the call depending on the current demand for AC repairs. I think many people that stumble across my AC services are surprised at the speed and efficiency of which I operate.

You see just as there can be heavy AC repair demand, there are also a good number of lulls in demand as well. I use these lulls to do various tasks and functions like writing blogs and so on. I know for you looking from the outside in and comparing me to other AC companies that I probably look much larger of a company than what I am.

This is merely to show you, the customer there is someone “At The Wheel” that cares. I can’t be all things to all people, I try to be the best at service and quality of that service and let the chips fall where they may. I offer timely solutions to your HVAC problems and I know a good many of people see the value in that.

Air Conditioning Replacement

There are times in running service calls that your air conditioning system may not be able to be repaired or may not be worth trying to repair it. The last thing you want to do is waste money on a AC system that has seen better days. 

In situations like these I give good reason for my opinion of repair versus replacement. In some cases I may give you both repair and replacement options and let you decide on your own. This decision isn’t always about me and what I want, it’s about giving  you choices for you to decide on your own in some cases.

However, the cost to repair an older system that is most likely a Freon based system is fraught with heavy risk for you. In cases such as these depending on what is wrong with your system I almost always recommend replacement because you need to be aware of what is already here as of this Katy Air Conditioning Repair Service blog post.

AC Repairs Today Call Ray Austin @ 832-475-6895

R22 Freon Is Going Away

You must realize that R22 Freon is going away (January 1, 2020 R22 Production Ceases). The cost of this refrigerant is going up. Amounts of how much anyone can buy at any given time is being restricted in certain cases. As time moves forward this situation will continue to get worse. Therefore, it is in your best interest to make plans now to switch over to the new refrigerant for the High Temp application of Air Conditioning. This new refrigerant isn’t really new. It’s been in use for over 20 years now and is called R410a or Puron.

R410a Puron Is Going Away

As of 2024, R410a is a refrigerant that has been used for over 20 years. It is being phased down for different reasons that R22 Freon. Realize that Freon and Puron are brand names. I come with experience to know the type of refrigerant your system needs. As of 2024 the production limits of R410a have been cut by 40% less than the base line amount years ago. I can still get both types of refrigerants but costs keep going up. Refrigerants are a complicated issue to have with an Air Conditioning system as it implies there is a leak with the system if it is found to be low. If the leak(s) are not fixed, the refrigerant will leak back out. In some instances the reason your system leaked may be due to service practices. Every situation is unique and it’s best for me to inspect your system(s) and then give you some options rather than “guess” here what may or may not be wrong with it.

HVAC is changing make sure you’re not making a big mistake!

New Refrigerants for Air Conditioning in 2024

They will be R32 & R454b. These new choices will require replacement of your AC equipment to implement them. They aren’t quite here yet and expected to arrive sometime in the 4th quarter of 2024. (I have videos explaining these changes and more click here for more information.)

AC Freon Recharging

This is an old practice of temporarily fixing an AC system that has Freon leaks. Due to higher refrigerant costs this practice is no longer feasible in some cases. Each situation is different and while I can recharge a system temporarily the risk is that this money for recharging is wasted. Many times I may find AC systems in which AC service work was performed poorly and for those reasons feel a refrigerant recharge may work because I have no service history on the system. Even still this is merely a judgment call in which I am not always right. I explain the risks to you and let you decide your own path in certain situations such as this.

It’s important to find the refrigerant leak OR it will just leak back out costing you even more hard earned money.

Guessing What Is Wrong With Your AC System

You shouldn’t try to guess what is wrong with your AC system. Nor should you try to get me to guess over the phone. I realize it matters not one bit what I put here people will continue to do what they have always done. But for the sake of this text I will give you some reasons why you should not guess as to what is wrong with your air conditioner.

Guessing doesn’t fix anything. There are a multitude of parts that make your AC function and do it’s job. You want a professional job don’t you? What part of professional is consistent with guessing?

I think my system is low on Freon? Certainly your system could be low on Freon but did you know that over 90% of the time the problem is more likely to be an electrical or mechanical problem. In some cases it could be electrical as well as a refrigerant problem.

Hire A Licensed AC Professional

It’s tough out there to find an HVAC pro that knows what they are doing. This business is a hard business, it takes many, many years to gain the experience in all things HVAC. Technicians mostly dominate the field because HVAC License holders are mostly older and rarely work out in the field any more. These reasons put me in a class all of my own because I do all of my own work. From repairs to new installations. This hands on approach gives you a better quality product not to mention a HVAC service provider second to none.

There’s only 1 Ray Austin. The best AC service call Today.

This isn’t to mean all Technicians are bad. I was once one of them too many years ago. This is merely a rough example how difficult it can be to find a GOOD one. Once you realize these things I’ve spelled out in this blog post you are much further on your way to making a better decision regarding your home comfort and repairing or replacing your HVAC system.

Air Conditioning Experience in 2024

Over 30 years! That’s a lot of experience. No one knows it all, but the more experience one has? The better the outcome you will have.

Thank you for visiting with me today. I hope your day is comfortable!

About the author of this Katy Texas Air Conditioning blog:

My name is Ray Austin. I am the owner and operator of Austin Air Companie, a  Ray Austin HVAC Service Company serving Katy, Texas | Cypress, Texas | Richmond, Texas and some surrounding areas. I am a Texas Licensed HVAC Contractor with over 30 years experience in Air Conditioning and Heating Systems as of 2024. I hold an AOS degree in HVAC/R, EPA universally certified to handle any refrigerant and NATE certified in HVAC installations and repairs. I also own and operate a real estate rental business. It is not likely there is any HVAC company truly like me.

People that use my services like the fact that they only have to deal with 1 person. The same person each and every time. It has always been this way for over 16 years now since I started my HVAC company. There is only one opinion here and I believe it is worth what I charge for it.

A free opinion is usually free because it’s not worth anything. If something is worth doing, it’s doing it the right way. The right way can be misconceived because of the opinion of who you’re talking to. I don’t think I can make this any more clear. You have choices. I can’t tell you how many times a year I find people who made the wrong choice. Choose wisely.

I understand that comfort means different things to different people. I am not here to force something on you I often will provide more than 1 choice. Many of the opinions I provide you are rooted in experience of performing HVAC for a living for over 30 years now. My opinion is not rooted in hearsay, rumors or intimidation of a boss because he “made some deal” with a manufacturer.

Austin Air Companie doesn’t choose equipment / parts / service methods because of some “under handed deal”. I choose equipment based on experience of doing and how that equipment is likely to perform. Is it always perfect? No.

That is what service is all about. You have that number to call when you need it. You will always need a good HVAC repairman, even if you choose me. I don’t provide gimmicks here. Some want to be told if they pick this or that their worries are over. I’m here to tell you that is a gimmick and your mileage will vary. Check out my You Tube videos… all brands break I show you this in butter your eyeballs high definition video.


Austin Air Companie


“Your home comfort from A to Z”

Air Conditioning | Controls | Heating | Zoning

A Ray Austin HVAC Service Company

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videos, tips and everything air conditioning and heating

for your home you can always visit me on my main website @

Better Service. Done Right. On Time. Guaranteed.

AC Cools But Doesn’t Cool Well All The Time

Saturday, July 23rd, 2022

Hi welcome to the #1 Katy Texas Air Conditioning Blog. This topic can be quite confusing at times because your air conditioner works by science not by magic.

The terms I use here are going to be terms that anyone should be able to understand. I remove as much technical jargon as I can to convey this subject so more people can understand it. (It’s not about writing it so I understand it.)

Air Conditioning Removes Heat

So the reason behind this post is that when record breaking temps come to town most air conditioners are going to struggle. It is completely normal for your thermostat temperature to go up in the afternoon under a heavy heat load.

With that said, this AC activity can point to trouble as well. Many people when they see this they think the thermostat is bad, their AC unit isn’t big enough, I might need some Freon and a laundry list of other potential guesses.

Air Conditioning doesn’t produce cool. It removes heat and the absence of heat is a cooling effect. That is what I mean by science. There are limits just as much as anything else. Trying running 50 miles with no breaks, to understand the point. Try driving your car with no gas or no electric if an EV. Everything has limits. But when it comes to air conditioners people repeatedly think they can put that thermostat dial anywhere and get it to get there.

Freon from above means refrigerant. This substance is more or less a solvent that was specifically designed for your air conditioner to remove heat from the structure. It is important that your system has the right type of refrigerant as well as the proper level. Too much or too little and your AC system will not remove heat properly and in triple digit heat (outdoor ambient temperature) will be costly to operate not to mention may not provide the cooling effect you are looking for.

Air Conditioners Don’t Use Up Freon

An Air Conditioner is a completely sealed system. The Freon in your AC will last indefinitely, unless the system has a refrigerant leak. Improper maintenance or service procedures can introduce leaks as well as age of the system can create refrigerant leaks over time. The older the equipment is, the more likely that the equipment is to blame.

However, just because your AC unit isn’t that old doesn’t necessarily mean it is free of refrigerant leaks. Air Conditioners are machines, and machines break – old and new alike.

In or near Katy, Texas? Call The Old AC Pro: Ray Austin 832-475-6895

Freon Leak Sealers / Additives To Stop Freon Leaks

I’ve used a couple of these over the past few years, but I have found they simply do not work. My definition of working is that they fix the refrigerant leaks. If they don’t do that, what is the point?

My opinion is that adding a Freon leak sealer to a system is attempting to take a short cut rather than to fix something the right way because the right way costs more money.

But if the refrigerant leak is not fixed, it will cost you more money anyway because the costly refrigerant will continue to leak out. The other less thought of problem with leak sealers is that you are placing something into your AC refrigerant system that does not belong there. This could lead to other problems later.

Watch the embedded video below how to properly fix Freon Leaks and stay tuned to just how well a leak sealer worked in a test I performed.

Live in or Near Katy, Texas? Your own personal AC repair Easy Button:

Call Ray Austin 832-475-6895

Substances Not Condensing In An AC System

A refrigeration system is critical to be a clean environment free from things that contaminate the system. The AC system is a sealed system remember? So if contamination is introduced the system isn’t going to work properly.

This problem is more so magnified in a record breaking heat wave. Your AC system’s operation is dependant on having the proper refrigerant, the proper amount with every thing fluidly moving about. If too much refrigerant is placed in your AC system it won’t work just as much as if it has too little of refrigerant or the wrong type. Freon is merely a brand name. I know what type your AC system needs, but I don’t know the service history if you call me for the first time. If a refrigerant circuit in your AC is blocked up it’s not going to work properly in triple digit heat.

Air is a common ingredient that will not condense in a refrigeration system. This only gets inside your refrigeration system by someone not doing something they should have done. Putting a leak sealer in the system could do essentially the same thing. The common reason people do this is that the system is older and will at times say I have nothing to lose.

Then replace the system a few years later, reuse the line set that possibly has some of this contamination left behind. It can be quite difficult to replace line sets on some homes and that difficulty can add a good sum of money to do so.

Did you know that the refrigerant in your AC system goes thru phase changes in side your AC’s refrigeration circuits? This is necessary because the pump otherwise known as the compressor is a vapor pump. Trying to compress anything other than refrigerant vapor will damage the compressor. If that happens? YIKES, not good.

But your AC’s refrigerant system also contains refrigerant in liquid form. Without that it simply will not work. It’s not magic, remember?

Your Air Conditioner Is Doing All It Can

This could be true, just as much as it could be false. Just because you dial in 70F on your thermostat doesn’t mean your house will get that cool in triple digit heat (100F and up – we’ve been hitting 102 and hotter recently in the Katy, Texas area.)

Design temperature plays a role. In our climate in Katy, Texas design for this area is 75F inside with 95F outside. These are design parameters. Does this mean you will never get lower than 75F inside? No. The heat of the day or the hottest part of the day is typically 3pm-7pm or 3pm-8pm during unusually hot record breaking periods.

These events as well as the condition of your AC system, your home’s thermal envelope conditions, duct work, system design and how you operate the system can all have an effect (good or bad) as to how hot or cool your house is.

A Not So Cool Story

Part of the reason for this blog post. I recently ran an AC service call in which the home in question was a rental house. The tenant recently moved in and not accustomed to the Katy, Texas climate just yet… or so this is what was relayed to me. I only know what you tell me, the rest is nothing more than a series of guesses.

I have never been to this house before. So I have no service history to go off of. I am walking blind so to speak. The system had recently been repaired, part of the AC system was replaced by another HVAC company. (Single story home, one HVAC system)

I get there (to the rental house) and the thermostat is reading 72F with nearly 100F outside. So on face value you could say this air conditioner is doing all it can. Essentially that would be true. But that unfortunately doesn’t go far enough.

Because taking AC service readings into consideration points to a bigger problem that only gets bigger the further I dig. It didn’t take long because this job wasn’t mine I was only there to “check out the work” that was done by another company.

Why was that necessary?

Because the other company had been out there a couple of times already saying the AC system is doing all it can do. The home owner decided to do the right thing and investigate further at additional cost. Not doing so could eventually turn into a revolving door of tenants moving in and out. That is costly in the home rental business. I know because I also own a rental house. Experience is worth what these days?

The ramifications of what I found? Split temperature / Differential Temperature / Temperature Drop / Delta T. What ever you wish to call it… was 12F. This should be 15-20F degrees. Preferably the closer to 20 the better for our climate here in Katy, Texas. Because as our design parameters describe you should have closer to a 20 degree temperature drop across the coil. Although any thing above 15F would be considered a passing grade.

So just that test alone I expected the AC system to be low on refrigerant. But that is not what I found. Because I don’t have any past service history I am led to guess what may or may not have happened here. (Contaminated System / Improper methods / Some other issue not yet known)

This is also to suggest you can’t just go with what you think the problem might be. As adding refrigerant to this system would only make things worse. Removing refrigerant won’t help either. The difference from proper to improper. Living with it? I suppose you could live on the edge but additional failures on your dime? Remember Katy, Texas is a hot climate. We separate the men from the boys in this climate on a fairly consistent basis when hitting triple digit temps. Not to brag, but I know what works, I also know what won’t work. So because I am not the installing HVAC contractor I can only guess what they did do as well as what they didn’t do but should have.

Guessing is not only dangerous but also costly. This customer ( home owner of this rental) has used me for work before. This wasn’t a free call – my opinions are worth paying for I am not nor have I ever been a gimmick provider. Service history is what determines what costs may be for me having to go behind someone else.

There is no warranty for improperly installed equipment. Currently the home owner had decided to get this company to go back and fix this system. The excuse this other company has been using isn’t going to fly now. The tenant is by now relieved that they’re no longer considered ‘nuts’ or making stuff up.

The AC Is Doing All It Can

When you’ve been doing HVAC Repair & Service for as long as I have you get the opportunity to see it all. I don’t just work on rentals, but this story is yet another rental. These stories provide unique insight to this AC blog post topic.

I think the reason for these kinds of stories is that tenants will push HVAC systems quite hard. This particular system has two floors with one system and thermostat on the top floor.

So this story goes to places the other call could only dream of. I have service history of this address so I know the complaint is likely bogus before I even get there. But I still have to “check it” because if you don’t you’re guessing and guessing doesn’t work in HVAC. I have a reputation of telling it like it is. Not going to stop now even if I think you can’t handle it. At some point you’ll have to put on big boy or big girl pants just like I do every morning.

I get there I have a conversation with the tenant and they claim to have to blast the AC at night so the room on the lower level doesn’t get too hot. Also that in the after noon the temps rise on the thermostat on the second floor. Which is normal by the way in triple digit heat.

Upon checking the unit while I was discussing things with the tenant on first floor the AC cycled off. I began this check with room temp on top floor at 69F at the thermostat.

In order to check this AC system I dropped the temperature to 65F to force it to run so I could perform the check. The Delta T / Temp Drop across the coil was 22F. This particular AC was installed by me. I have been servicing this property for a number of years.

Notice the difference in Temp drop from the first one? 10F better.

Operating Pressures? Outstanding. (These fluctuate so it’s pointless posting this information.)

Because of the nature of a tenant occupant I even recorded the temperature in the master bedroom suite on the lower floor. 65F — yet design is 75F. So you can see how these things can vary from one home to the next. No two homes are alike.

Everyone’s view of what comfort is can and will be different from other viewpoints. But design is the limit. This particular property has a control on the top floor with one HVAC system so it will always be warmer on the top floor. (Heat rises)

And the thermostat on the top floor does not now how hot or cool it is on the lower level. These design flaws can be fixed. But that costs money.

The HVAC Comfort Business

HVAC is a big box of comfort. Service is part of that, just as much as design and all these other factors. The HVAC product & design you choose has limitations. It doesn’t work by magic and your definition of work should mean more than “The unit turns on, The unit turns off”

Because there is more to it than just turning on or off. It must be doing so properly and efficiently. What is properly to someone who doesn’t know?

I thank you for visiting with me today. I hope this subject may help you garner more understanding in relation to how you view comfort the choices you make for those that provide it for you.

As always I hope your day is comfortable.

About the Author of this Katy, Texas Air Conditioning Blog:

My name is Ray Austin owner/operator of Austin Air Companie a small HVAC service company that services the Katy, Texas area and some surrounding areas. I write my own blogs, I make my own videos, No investors, no intimidation to tell you like it is. My HVAC career is 28 years long, 14 of which running and operating my own HVAC service company.

If you call me, you will get me. There is no technician roulette wheel to spin here at Austin Air Companie.

If you are calling me I will inform you of all choices after inspecting your HVAC system(s) in person and even repairing your air conditioner if that option makes sense. I am skilled in working for you, not just recommending something that is only beneficial to me. It’s about providing you an air conditioning service that you can rely on. I will do my best to explain the risks of doing what you decide to do. That is what a skilled HVAC contractor can do for you.

Let me know what your concerns are. Comfort means different things to different people. We are all unique that way. A solution I like, might not be right for you and vice versa. System Design is a wide varying topic but is very important as to the comfort level that system will perform.

Serving Katy, Texas and some surrounding areas. Call Ray at Austin Air Companie Today! 832-475-6895.

The Home of Better AC Service. Welcome Home.